Partner With Us

The Harvest Of Talents Foundation works with companies, governments, international development agencies, charitable foundations and individuals, to grow and nurture an effective and sustainable network that creates impact for underserved and for vulnerable youths on a global scale.

 The Harvest Of Talents Foundation (THOTF)  brings together members, partners and supporters with aligned goals to create change for young entrepreneurs at speed and scale. We do this by drawing on the unique ability of the network to learn, innovate and share the diverse expertise and knowledge that make our members effective individually and powerful collectively.

For more information about how to partner with us, please contact our Development Team at

Partnering with us offers you the opportunity to:

Create impact

Work with us to co-develop programmes inline with your organisational priorities and values that support vulnerable youth locally, regionally and globally.

Shared value

Whether through a grant, or other initiatives, we work together with Corporations, governments, international development agencies and charitable foundations to help scale our impact, while meeting our shared value goals.

Engage with like minds

Expand your profile and broaden your perspectives through the many formal and informal opportunities we offer through rich experience and outreach locally, regionally and globally.